Sunday, September 5, 2010

Feeling Frazzled

I feel like I have about a million and one things to do and I seem to be getting none of them done. Have I started packing? No. Have I started thinking about packing? Only for the last two weeks. Not much progress has been made. I started making a list. Yesterday. At this rate, I'll make it to Wisconsin with my helmet and not much else. For some reason, I keep thinking I still have so much time. My bike leaves on Tuesday, with me following two days later. Once work starts again on Tuesday, it will suddenly be Thursday in a snap. So, no, I really do not have much time.

And here it is Sunday morning and I'm wasting my time blogging. Well, at least I'm resting. One might think that I'm enjoying tapering so much that I don't want to do anything with all this free time. Certainly not packing. But I'm actually kind of bored. So bored that I spent the evening a few nights ago putting boxes away in my garage and changing the batteries in the smoke detectors. I know, such an exciting social life! Of course, packing didn't make the agenda that night.

And now I have the song Fraggle Rock stuck in my head. Which is a million and one times better than what has been stuck in my head since yesterday morning (seriously, when I woke up to pee in the middle of the night, I was still singing it). So I'll do you the favor...Warning: Adult Content (but damn catchy tune).

Time to get away...worries for another day...let the music play...down on Fraggle Rock.

Okay, now back to time to start packing!

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